Elisa AI Vision Challenge 2024

Elisa AI Vision Challenge 2024

“With AI, we can build solutions that seemed like science fiction a short time ago”

The competition has ended. Thanks to all participants and congratulations to the winners!

The Elisa AI Vision Challenge 2024 aims to advance the use of AI in Finland, raise intriguing conversation about the topic, and inspire current and future professionals. What does a modern and sustainable AI-assisted future look like?

The development of artificial intelligence has opened unprecedented opportunities for using technology in interaction. We can use future visions to concretize and narrate desired scenarios of the future, and then target these scenarios systematically.

We challenge students, professionals, and companies to participate in developing visions for the future. We want to encourage the participants to contemplate and create unique and innovative visions of how AI could enhance and transform the interaction between customer and organization, as well as within the organization.


Elisa AI Vision Challenge 2024


Smart interactions – The opportunities of AI in customer interactions and interaction within organizations

Every day, we interact with online stores, government agencies, healthcare professionals, and grocery shop cashiers. Similarly, within organizations, sales personnel collaborate with the billing department and the marketing team. This collaboration impacts the organization profitability, and also reflects on the customer experience.

Create new visions

  • What does a modern and sustainable AI-assisted future look like? 
  • How does AI change daily interactions in the future?
  • How do encounters between people and organizations happen in the future?
  • How do people communicate and collaborate within organizations in the future using AI? 

First phase: pre-assignment

The participant (person or team of up to 5 members) needs to describe in a story format how AI could revolutionize customer experience or collaboration within organizations.

The story should give concrete examples of how AI could revolutionize interactions in a world where everything is possible. What happens before, during, and after the interaction? What is the role of AI in different phases of the interaction?

You do not need to focus on the technological solutions. Instead, describe what things the technology would permit, or what it would do in the background to make the vision come alive. The opportunities of AI evolve rapidly, so you do not need to take into account its current limitations.

To illustrate, you can describe the process of a patient seeking treatment and getting a diagnosis, a mother buying food for her family, a senior citizen ordering services to their home, or a family member navigating the bureaucracy related to the passing of a loved one.

Or, if you choose the organization approach: How could you streamline cooperation in a project with several stakeholders? How would you describe the new process, and what would AI do in the background to make it happen? How could you create mutual understanding, share and manage information, and ensure that everyone can find essential information in all phases of the project?

Analyze the impact of your vision on customer experience or an organization's operations, and describe how they will evolve.

Rules and sources of inspiration


  • Competition starts
    15 October, 2024

  • Deadline for competition entries
    10 November, 2024

  • Shortlisted candidates are announced
    18 November, 2024

  • Award ceremony and announcing winners​
    11 December, ​2024

Evaluation criteria, prizes, and jury

AI competition

Evaluation criteria

  1. Innovativeness: How innovative is the vision? What is its novelty value?
  2. Impact: What is the potential impact of the vision on customer experience and organizational efficiency?
  3. Presentation: How clear and descriptive is the presentation of the competition entry?


An overall sum of 5000 euros is distributed between 3 to 6 teams. All shortlisted teams will receive an invitation to the award ceremony, where the winners will be announced. 

The prize money can be transferred to a Finnish account, or universities can grant it to students as scholarships or grants. The prize money is considered taxable income.


The jury of the competition consists of experts in different fields, such as forecasting, anthropology, technology, and interaction. This allows us to evaluate the competition entries from various  perspectives. The jury members are:

  • Minna Huotilainen, Professor, Neuroscientist, University of Helsinki
  • Elina Hiltunen, Futurist
  • Frank Martela, Assistant Professor, Philosopher, Aalto University
  • Johanna Rakemaa, Business Director, Wakaru Oy 
  • Anssi Tuulenmäki, DSc, CEO, Museum of Technology
  • Sirte Pihlaja, CEO, Shirute Oy, Executive Director CXPA Finland
  • Milja Köpsi, Founder & Community manager, Mimmit Koodaa

  • Sarita Runeberg, CEO, Maria 01
  • Ilkka Halttunen, CMO, ASML
  • Tiina Rolig, HR Director, Microsoft Finland
  • Teemu Vidgren, COO, Microsoft Finland
  • Kari Aho, Business Lead, Generative AI, Elisa
  • Reetta Maila, Design Lead, Elisa

Still have questions?

If you have any questions about the competition, contact us at aivision@elisa.fi.

Microsoft logo

Microsoft is the official partner of AI Vision Challenge.