Create or restore Elisa ID

To view your corporate subscription in Employee OmaElisa, you need an Elisa ID. You can use the same Elisa ID in OmaElisa, the OmaElisa mobile app, Elisa's online store, and Elisa Viihde.

See the instructions on this page to create an Elisa ID or restore your existing one.

Elisa ID

With Elisa ID, you can log in to Employee OmaElisa and:

  • check your PUK code
  • monitor the use of your subscription in real time
  • check the minute limitations and data limits of calls abroad
  • choose your work tools in employees' device store
  • redeem the device you are using
  • send a support request about a damaged device
  • troubleshoot connection problems related to your phone or internet connection
  • remove the service blocks set by your employer with OmaLasku

Create Elisa ID

  1. On the front page of Employee OmaElisa, click Login.

  2. Under the login information, click I do not have Elisa ID yet and want to register.

  3. Identify yourself with your bank ID or Mobile Certificate and click Continue to service.
    Next, you can either enter information to create a new Elisa ID, or adjust the username and password of your existing Elisa ID.

  4. Enter your email address in the Username field.
    We recommend using your personal email address instead of a work email address.
    You'll receive an email in this address to confirm your Elisa ID.

  5. Enter your password in the Password field.
    The password must be at least 8 characters long.

  6. Enter your phone number in the Phone number field.

  7. Select the I accept Conditions of use for Elisa Tunnus (FI) and I accept Contract terms of Elisa Tunnus service (FI) boxes.

  8. Click Create Elisa Tunnus
    You'll receive an email to confirm your new Elisa ID.

  9. Open the email you received and click the link to confirm your Elisa ID. 

    You can now use your Elisa ID to log in to OmaElisa self-service portals and applications, as well as Elisa's online shop and Elisa Viihde.

    You can also read more information about Elisa ID.