In this course you will learn how to use the most common Fortigate features. In interactive labs you will explore firewall policies, user authentication, high availability, SSL VPN, site-to-site IPsec VPN, Fortinet Security Fabric and how to protect your network using security policies such as IPS, antivirus, web filtering, application control and more. These administration fundamentals will provide you with a solid understanding of how to implement the most common FortiGate features.
Kesto: 5 päivää
Ajankohta: 23.-27.9.2024, Espoo / Online
Hinta: 3750 €
Koulutuksen tarkemmat tiedot
FortiAnalyzer: In this course you will learn how to deploy, configure and secure FortiAnalyzer. You will also learn how to register and manage devices with FortiAnalyzer. Finally, you will explore the fundamentals of the logging and reporting management capabilities included on FortiAnalyzer. These skills will provide you with a solid foundation for becoming a professional FortiAnalyzer administrator.
FortiGate: In this course you will learn how to use the most common FortiGate features. In interactive labs you will explore firewall policies, user authentication, high availability, SSL VPN, site-to-site IPsec VPN, Fortinet Security Fabric, and how to protect your network using security profiles, such as IPS, antivirus, web filtering and more. These administration fundamentals will provide you with a solid understanding of how to implement the most common FortiGate features.
Kurssityyppi: Luentoja, laboratorioharjoituksia
Kurssikieli: Luennot suomeksi, materiaali englanniksi
Kouluttaja: Exclusive NetworksAgenda
- Introduction and Initial Configuration
- Administration and Management
- RAID and HA
- Managing Devices
- Logs and Reports Management
- System and Network Settings
- Firewall policies and NAT
- Routing
- Firewall Authentication
- Fortinet Single Sign-On (FSSO)
- Certificate operations
- Antivirus
- Web filtering
- Intrusion Prevention and Application Control
- IPsec VPN
- SD-WAN Configuration and Monitoring
- Security Fabric
- High Availability
- Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
FortiGate palomuurin asennus ja käyttöönotto
Tämä koulutus sopii verkko- ja tietoturva-asiantuntijoille, jotka osallistuvat Fortigate verkkoympäristöjen suunnitteluun, toteutuksiin ja ylläpitoon. Kurssilla tehdään runsaasti käytännönläheisiä harjoituksia teoriaosuuksien lisäksi.
Fortinet - FCSS: Enterprise Firewall
Tässä kolmen päivän koulutuksessa, opit tietoturvallisen yritysverkkoinfrastruktuurin käyttöönottoa, vianetsintää ja keskitettyä hallintaa useiden FortiGate laitteiden ympäristöissä. Verkko- ja tietoturva-asiantuntijoille, jotka osallistuvat Fortigate verkkoympäristöjen arkkitehtuurin suunnitteluun, toteutuksiin ja ylläpitoon.
Fortinet - FCP: FortiManager Administrator
In interactive labs you will explore deployment strategies, which include single or multiple ADOMs, device registration, policy packages, shared objects, installing configuration changes, provisioning FortiManager as a local FortiGuard distribution server and troubleshooting the features that are critical to day-o-day use after you deploy FortiManager.