Elisa Mobiiliturva yrityksilleElisa Mobiiliturva yrityksille
Elisa Mobiiliturva for companies

Mobiiliturva protects you against phishing

Elisa Mobiiliturva for companies is a new mobile security service for corporate mobile subscriptions. Mobiiliturva for companies protects your company against phishing, or the most common security threat. The service works over 4G and 5G mobile networks by automatically identifying malicious websites and instantly notifying the user about any security threats.

The deployment of Mobiiliturva is quick and easy: the service works on Apple and Android devices, and it does not require downloading an app, nor any other form of installation.

The service is available to our mobile subscription customers. If you are not our customer yet, check out Elisa's wide range of subscriptions for companies.

Activate Mobiiliturva in OmaElisa for companies

Order Elisa Mobiiliturva for companies for €2,52 per month, with the activation fee of 0,00 € (normally €3,99)!

Order Mobiiliturva

You can order the service in OmaElisa for companies. See detailed instructions in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this page.

Note that the service does not work in WiFi networks. Mobiiliturva is sold as an additional service to new or existing Elisa corporate subscriptions.

Safe browsing effortlessly

Elisa Mobiiliturva for companies does not require installation – all you need to do is order the service.
Once the service is activated, it is automatically switched on. This saves time and effort for your IT department.

Elisa Mobiiliturva offers you:

  • Speed

    The service does not slow down your device, as the security measures happen in the background based on DNS filtering. Furthermore, the deployment is quick and straightforward – no installation is required.

  • Flexibility

    The service always notifies you before entering an unsafe site. However, you can bypass the block, if necessary.
    In addition, Mobiiliturva is browser-independent, so you can keep using your favorite browser.

  • Global safety

    Mobiiliturva works anywhere over Elisa’s mobile network, whether you are at home or roaming abroad.

Investing in browser security is more important than ever

In the current global situation, the number of cyber attacks, DoS attacks, phishing attempts, and security breaches is constantly increasing. That is why preventive measures are becoming more and more important in ensuring the security of mobile devices as well.

Elisa Mobiiliturva for companies helps to prevent phishing
Studies show that up to 95% of cyber attacks and data breaches begin with phishing.

An unprotected work phone can be, at worst, a direct route to your company’s information systems and customer data.

With remote and hybrid work being the norm, new and broader safety measures are needed. We created Elisa Mobiiliturva for companies to offer a solution to this problem.

Notification from Elisa Mobiiliturva to block a malicious website

How Elisa Mobiiliturva for companies works

  • Protects devices connected to mobile network against the most common browser-related risks
  • Automatically identifies and blocks malicious websites
  • Entirely blocks access to websites with identified malware and notifies you before entering a malicious site. However, you can bypass the block, if necessary.
  • Does not require a separate app or installation
  • Does not slow down your mobile device, as the protection takes place in the background
  • Is automatically activated any time you use Elisa’s mobile network
  • Automatically works when you are roaming abroad
  • Is compatible with both Apple and Android devices

Frequently Asked Questions

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