Information security services

Elisa is a full-service partner in information security. We help prevent network threats and information security attacks to ensure that your company’s information is protected and remains inside your organisation. We can also help you recover quickly from threats and keep your network service in operation.

Our experts’ support and high-quality solutions ensure the security and stable operation of your ICT environment. We also support you on your future journey and make sure that your organisation’s information security remains up to date. Read about our information security services and contact us for more information!

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Modern information security services keep your business running

  • VPN service

    Elisa VPN makes remote working secure. The VPN connection is a closed connection for your company’s network, applications and files. This way, outsiders cannot access your company’s information, and you can work with a secure connection anywhere.

  • Protection against DoS attacks

    Elisa Kilpi protects your online services from denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Kilpi gives protection against attacks and threats 24/7. Your services will remain available under all circumstances and your business operations can continue uninterrupted.

  • Firewall service

    Elisa Palomuuripalvelu protects the use of networks against malicious software and scam sites. The firewall is easy to control and the service provides a comprehensive view of the company’s data communications.

  • Email information security

    Elisa Email Security provides information security for your company’s email traffic. The service filters malware and junk from emails. You will be able to receive and send emails safely and manage your work properly without viruses.

  • Cyber security services

    Elisa is a pioneer in cyber security in Finland providing managed information security services since 1995. Our Cyber security services are based on a well-considered combination of suitable technologies and managed delivered by our top specialists.

  • Mobile data security

    Elisa Mobiilitietoturva keeps threats at bay by securing your company’s mobile devices against vulnerabilities and attacks in a comprehensive and proactive manner. The service is especially designed for medium-sized and large companies.

  • Mobile network security

    Mobiiliturva for companies protects your company against phishing. The service works over 4G and 5G mobile networks by automatically identifying malicious websites and instantly notifying the user about any security threats.

Why should you choose Elisa as an information security partner?

  • Top experts

    Elisa offers assistance from information security experts. Our experts share their knowledge and advice in questions and solutions related to information security. We also share development ideas with a proactive view on the future.

  • Scalable security services

    Elisa offers diverse information security services. We help entrepreneurs, SMEs and large companies. We work agilely, and our services can be scaled for different needs. You can depend on getting just the right service.

  • Strong partner network

    We offer services to both Finnish and global companies. Our certified partners guarantee high-quality technologies and solutions for your company. Our international partners guarantee seamless network solutions abroad as well.

Our customers’ experiences of network information security

Copla uses Elisa's VPN service


“Thanks to the well-functioning VPN, we do not necessarily have to go to the office for work. This allows us to work from home and get rid of time-consuming commuting.”

Read the complete customer case (in Finnish)

Fenno Optiikka uses Elisa's information security services

Fenno Optiikka:

“When an optician knows that important medical records are safe, they can concentrate on serving their customers. We have also been happy that Elisa’s contact person has been competent and easy to contact.”

Read the complete customer case (in Finnish)

Ask more about information security services

Our experts will provide more information about different information security solutions and their features. We will consider which solution would be the best for your company together. Give us your contact details and we can arrange a meeting or call:

 contact us