PaloAlto Firewall 11.0:Troubleshooting (EDU-330)

Successful completion of this three-day, instructor-led course will enhance the participant’s understanding of how to troubleshoot the full line of Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewalls.

Participants will perform hands-on troubleshooting related to the configuration and operation of the Palo Alto Networks firewall.

Completion of this class will help participants develop an in-depth knowledge of how to troubleshoot visibility and control over applications, users, and content.

Kesto: 3 päivää

Ajankohta: Syksy 2024, Espoo / Online

Hinta: 2250€


Koulutuksen tarkemmat tiedot


The Palo Alto Networks Firewall 11.0: Troubleshooting course is three days of instructor-led training that will help you:

  • Use firewall tools, including the CLI, to investigate networking issues
  • Follow proven troubleshooting methodologies specific to individual features
  • Analyze advanced logs to resolve various real-life scenarios
  • Solve advanced, scenario-based challenges

Kurssityyppi: Luentoja, laboratorioharjoituksia

Kurssikieli: Luennot suomeksi, materiaali englanniksi

Kohderyhmä: Security Engineers, Security Administrators, Security Operations Specialists, Security Analysts, Network Engineers and Support Staff


Participants must complete the Firewall 11.0 Essentials: Configuration and Management (EDU-210) course. Participants must have strong practical knowledge of routing and switching, IP addressing, and network security concepts, and at least six months of on-the-job experience with Palo Alto Networks firewalls.


Exclusive Networks


  • Tools and Resources
  • Flow Logic
  • Packet Captures
  • Packet-Diagnostics Logs
  • Host-Inbound Traffic
  • Transit Traffic
  • System Services
  • Certificate Management and SSL Decryption
  • User-ID
  • GlobalProtect
  • Support Escalation and RMAs
  • Next Steps
  • Appendix - CLI Primer
  • PaloAlto Firewall 10.1. perusteet

    Kurssilla perehdytään Palo Alto Networksin NGFW-palomuuriratkaisuun käytännön harjoitteiden avulla. Kurssilla tehdään runsaasti laboratorioharjoituksia, jotka tehostavat oppimista. Kurssin tavoitteena on tarjota oppilaille ymmärrys Palo Alto Networksin palomuurien ominaisuuksiin sekä yleisimmin käytettyjen ratkaisujen toteutukseen

  • PaloAlto Firewall Essentials 10.1: Configuration and management (EDU-210)

    Successful completion of this five-day, instructor-led course should enhance the student’s understanding of how to configure and manage Palo Alto Networks NextGeneration Firewalls. The course includes hands-on experience configuring, managing, and monitoring a firewall in a lab environment.

  • PaloAlto Firewall 10.1: Improving security posture and hardening PAN-OS (EDU-214)

    Successful completion of this three-day, instructor-led course will assist the student in being able to manage and maintain an existing Palo Alto Networks Firewall protected environment. The student will learn how to improve non-greenfield environments and will be better equipped at ensuring configurations match security best practice.