Reporting services for companiesReporting services for companies
Elisa’s reporting and transaction services

Easy reporting and transaction services support your company’s business and everyday activities

Elisa’s reporting service gives you an up-to-date view of the functionality of the Elisa ICT services you are using. We combine data from different systems in your ICT environment and use visual dashboards to show the development of your company’s IT services and data communications. A better view of the ICT environment’s events and indicators helps your company react to changes quickly and make business decisions based on data.

Elisa also provides online service portals for your company. Your company’s administrators and employees can easily manage everyday tools in the service portals.

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You can find Elisa's other portals here

Elisa’s reporting service has many benefits

  • Guide your decision-making with up-to-date data

    We help your company use data to support business. The transparent and comprehensive monitoring gives you clear understanding of your ICT environment and the status of your business. This gives you data to support decision-making, and you can see how different actions affect the results.

  • Saves time and reduces manual work

    With analyses and visual views, you can quickly see the development direction of your company. With automation and integration, we can make data usage and reporting more effective so that the data is updated immediately for the right people. This saves you time and resources.

  • Helps detect any problems quickly

    The real-time reporting views show any problems and exceptional incidents immediately. This allows you to react to the problems in your ICT environment quickly and minimise the damage. The clear monthly and annual views help you monitor trends and development at different times.

Elisa's reporting service provides you visual overview of your ICT environment

How Elisa’s reporting service works

Elisa has an extensive range of services and competence in ICT environment reporting. Based on your company’s need and ICT services, we will provide suitable reporting views that make monitoring easy for you.

Our reporting service is on the Elisa Fokus portal, which gets data from different systems. The key features of the Fokus portal are:

  • Up-to-date and visual overview of the state and development of the ICT environment.
  • Transparent monitoring of how the ICT services offered by Elisa are working.
  • Easy-to-use user interface and automatically updated views.
  • Customers of Elisa Santa Monica can also monitor orders, deliveries, services and projects in the Fokus management portal.

Elisa’s reporting service also contains user support for the service, instructions and user rights management. We continuously develop reporting together with your company so that it also serves the changing needs of your company.

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Transaction services make users’ everyday lives easier

  • Service portal for administrators

    We help your company’s administrators manage the ordered devices and services easily.

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  • Service portals for users

    Employees are able to manage their own tools and subscriptions in their portals.

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The administrator’s service portal

OmaElisa for Companies is an easy self-service channel for the company's main user

OmaElisa for Companies is a convenient self-service channel for the company’s administrator. In OmaElisa for Companies, the administrator can:

  • See the products and services ordered from Elisa
  • Order and manage employees’ subscriptions
  • Manage contracts

OmaElisa for Companies is free of charge. Register and log in to the portal here:

Log in to Omaelisa for Companies

Note: customers of Elisa Santa Monica can manage and monitor orders and services in Elisa Fokus. Log in to the Fokus portal here.

Service portals for users

Employees can track their mobile subscription usage in Employee's OmaElisa

1) Employee’s OmaElisa

When your company has Elisa telephone subscriptions, your employees can view their subscription’s information in Employee’s OmaElisa.

In Employee’s OmaElisa, the user can:

  • See real-time subscription usage and call details
  • Check their PUK code
  • Check the limits for international calls and data
  • Choose the right tools from the employee’s device store (only available if your company has created a device store for Employee’s OmaElisa).

Read the service instructions (in Finnish) and log in to the service portal:

Log in to Employee's OmaElisa

On Elisa Aula, employees can make support requests for IT, for example.

2) Elisa Aula

Elisa Aula is an excellent IT service channel for your company’s employees.

In Elisa Aula, your employees can:

  • Order tools and applications
  • Make IT support requests
  • Communicate directly with IT support through the chat channel

Elisa Aula will be adapted to suit your company’s needs. Ask more from our sales team:

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